Verse of the Day

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pray and seek God's will, then go Vote!

Election day will soon be here and no matter what candidate you side with, the time to vote will soon be upon us. The believers at the church of Corinthians were trying to push the "line" and see how much they could get away with and still be Christian. Paul told them that even though things were lawful for people to do, all things are not expedient for the believer. In other words, the Corinthian Christians were so focused on their own rights and their own knowledge they could only ask but one question. "What is the harm to me?" They should have asked what good can this be for me. Simply because we can do something doesn't mean it's beneficial.

We need to seek the things that are helpful and things that edify. We should want to go with Jesus, not try to "get away with" as much as possible, we only serve to hinder others when we do.

A fellow blogger is offering this verse for us to cling to before November the 5th, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:31 (KJV) He closed his post with the following:
The verse I've shared is the challenge for us all, and the blood of our soldiers and of Christ speak louder than any response or petty comment I could return to you. I would request that each of you vote, but I'd prefer to request that those of you that do BOLDLY claim to be a Christ-follower would glorify God by seeking His will during these next few days. His will will be done. That's all we can seek and He will guide us into November 5th better than our next president could ever dream of being able to.

I say, Amen!

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